Pleasant words are as a honeycomb ....
December 10, 2007

My grandsons birthday

It was my grandsons 4th birthday today. He had a party yesterday where I realised that at my age (albeit I am a recycled teenager) one should not join in with 4 year old activities that are energetic. I followed him into a huge blown up caterpillar (is that how you spell it, it doesn't look right)with my 9 month year old grandson only to find there was a slide at the other end. I just could not get up that slide it just kept folding beneath me (perhaps my size had something to do with it). In the end I was helped up only to end up going down the slide head first, very undignified, rolling over onto my shoulder and now it hurts - no I did not break it but boy it felt like it. It was a great party and tonight we celebrated by going out for pizza with him. He just had a whale of a time so my Benjamin bunny - Happy 4th birthday, your nana will sit on the side lines next time I think. I'll do a page when I get some pics sorted but thankfully non of me going down the slide ... phew ...
posted by Honeycombs @ Dec 10, 2007 | 0 comments | |
December 4, 2007

Nearly Christmas

Hi all, I'm almost over my cold, left with an unpleasant cough but hey hopefully I wont need to worry about catching cold over the Christmas holidays. I've got a hectic week this week and one of the highlights i my grandsons 4th birthday. He's having a party with a lot of 4 year old friends (I can hear the noise already - will I be able to cope in my old age :) I ask myself - yeah sure too I'm a recycled teenager after all). I've just posted a Christmas card to you all and in case I don't get to write any more before the big day I wish you all a blessed Christmas and health and happiness in the coming year. May the festive season prove to be all you expect it to be. Hope you like the page. Happy Christmas to you all. If you get the chance to read my blog drop me a line to say hi.
Christmas Wishes
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posted by Honeycombs @ Dec 4, 2007 | 0 comments | |
December 1, 2007

Amazing what you learn

Well here I am another day scrapbooking till all hours I must get some sleep, especially as I'm full of cold and think I may have a chest infection. Doctors Monday if no better. I've just found out how to add extra pages thanks to my friend Claudine. I just love this digital scrapbooking, it's just amazing what you learn. There's something new everytime you create a page. All I need now is to be able to print the pages so that I can give them as gifts in a frame. I love the one I did of mam and dads wedding and would love to print that one out to give to my mam
Wedding Day
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posted by Honeycombs @ Dec 1, 2007 | 0 comments | |
Well here I am bloggin', not sure how or why but it seems like a good idea a place to write a lot of nice words cos as the verse says ... Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones (Prov 16:24). Hope those who know me enjoy the blogs if I manage to get more than this one done. Hope those who don't know me enjoy reading about the things I like.
Created: Nov 7, 2007

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